Oh no, another hipster preaching about the cold pressed cult? I hear ya but it’s not like that…
So far my experience of juices or juicing hasn’t been a successful one, leading me to the conclusion that no matter how many times I pinch my nose and swallow the goodness – I’m just not a green juice kind of girl. At least I thought I wasn’t. Turns out, I just hadn’t had a drink from 42 Juice yet.
This beautiful juicery isn’t only serious interior goals, it is lifestyle goals. Bible. You only have to sit down with the co-founders to figure out that there really is a truth to this whole mahoosive juice movement. And that’s coming from someone that is (was?) a juice sceptic before now.
But hang on, what the eff is cold juicing and why is good for you? Let’s hit you with some 42 facts:
The juices are extracted by pressing and grinding organic fruits and veggies without adding heat, hence the term cold pressed. No other method of juicing will provide you with this many vitamins and minerals which are so easily absorbed in such a short time frame. Basically, when you heat food a lot of the goodness is lost, this way you’re getting the purest form of all the vitamins and minerals to fuel your bod.
I love what 42 stands for. Being healthy is hard sometimes and these guys just make it that much more attainable and more importantly, bloody delicious.
42 makes it so easy to educate yourself on the whole juicing thang. Imagine all those nasty toxins floating about in your body be it from alcohol, sugar or processed foods. Going on a juice cleanse is like handing those bad boys over to Mike Tyson for 12 rounds. They ain’t gonna stand a chance. The cleansing properties in the cold pressed juice help to flood our insides with minerals and accelerate the natural healing power of the body. Pretty fancy isn’t it?
On my first visit, I had the ‘I am balanced’ juice. Jam-packed with pineapple, pear and ginger. Yum! It went down a treat. I might have also indulged in a turmeric latte… now that was like a porcelain hug.
In fact, it went down so well, I went back the next day to their other bar in Hove and had the ‘Master Cleanse’: alkaline water, lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I know, very Beyonce.
I love what 42 stands for. Being healthy is hard sometimes and these guys just make it that much more attainable and more importantly, bloody delicious.
See, the juice life can be for everyone. And it doesn’t have to taste like pond water either. Whaddaya know.